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Recommendations to Support Workplace Wellness Using the EMPower CARE Scorecard

By Christine Marquis, MBA, and Marlene Blake, PhD  

The contemporary multigenerational workplace is undergoing rapid transformations driven by technological advancements, evolving employee expectations, and global challenges. Amidst these changes, career optimism emerges as a pivotal factor influencing employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall well-being. The 2023 Career Optimism Index® highlights significant gaps between employee perceptions and employer offerings, emphasizing the need for actionable solutions. With a focus on workplace wellness, in this paper, the authors developed and introduce the EMPower Care Scorecard concept as a comprehensive framework to address these disparities and cultivate a positive work environment.

Advancing Careers through Inclusive Support and Collaboration

By Fortune Ann Taylor, PhD  

This paper examines shortcomings revealed by the 2023 Career Optimism Index® and challenges the notion of a one-size-fits-all approach to careers. It argues that salary discrepancies are a significant barrier preventing many individuals from advancing in their careers. Contrary to the prevailing belief in a meritocratic system that primarily values hard work and optimism, this article offers suggestions for navigating a volatile job market. It proposes that individuals who were previously employed by large corporations become "free agents," enabling them to work independently and thrive in markets dominated by corporate entities. This shift in perspective may not have been possible without the support provided to colleges through scholarship programs, despite their limited funding. This mindset emphasizes individuals' ability to chart their own course and escape the constraints of indices and superficially positive narratives. The paper concludes by stressing the importance of lifelong learning and economic security, which serve as comprehensive insurance for college graduates, ultimately leading to a brighter future where the significance of academic achievement is recognized.

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